January 8, 2025
If you’re looking to measure temperature with an Arduino, there are a variety of sensors available, each suited for different applications. Some of the most popular options include the DHTxx series, DS18B20, LM35, and TMP36, among others. These sensors offer a range of features such as digital or analog outputs, precision, and ease of use, making them ideal for many projects where moderate temperature measurements are required.
However, what if your project involves measuring extreme temperatures? For example, a volcano can reach temperatures over 1000°C (1800°F), and liquid nitrogen can be as cold as −195.8°C (−320°F). Standard temperature sensors would not be suitable for these conditions—they would either melt in extreme heat or freeze in extremely cold environments.
In such cases, you need a more robust solution: the Thermocouple. A thermocouple is a temperature sensor that works on the thermoelectric effect, where two different metals are joined together, and the temperature difference between them generates a voltage that can be measured. This voltage correlates with temperature, allowing thermocouples to measure a vast temperature range, from as low as -330°F to as high as +2460°F, depending on the type of thermocouple used.
For high-temperature applications, thermocouples are a reliable choice because they can withstand conditions that would otherwise destroy regular temperature sensors. They are commonly used in industries such as metal processing, automotive, aerospace, and scientific research.
In this tutorial, we will guide you through interfacing the MAX6675 thermocouple module with an Arduino. The MAX6675 is one of the most popular, affordable, and accurate thermocouple modules available. It is designed to work specifically with K-type thermocouples, offering great precision for measuring high temperatures, and it communicates with your Arduino via the SPI interface.
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