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Getting Started and Peripheral Coding STM32 MCU's STM32F1 Tech

SPI Peripheral In STM32F103

Overview So, in this blog we will be covering another alternate functionality of GPIO pins i.e SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). Previously we hve covered following peripherals implementation in STM32F103 MCU’s. ADC(Analog To Digital Converter) in STM32F103 UART Peripheral in STM32F103 GPIO Peripheral in S32K144 MCU Clock Peripheral in STM32F103 PWM on STM32F103 SPI is a […]

Automotive Automotive Protocols Consumer electronics consumer electronics protocols Industries Tech

What is USB Technology?

What is USB Technology USB is a technology which standardize the connection of peripherals to personal computers. It has largely replaced interfaces such as PS/2 connector (used for keyboard), ADB Connector (used for mouse), Parallel Ports (used for printers) and Game ports (used for video game consoles) which are used to connect different devices to […]

Getting Started S32 Automotive Platform S32K1 Tech

ElecronicsV2: Arduino for Automotive DIY Projects

Table of Contents Overview In an era, where the automotive sector is at its prime and everyone desires to make their career advancements in the Automotive field, there is a need for a Microcontroller based development board that is of automotive grade, with automotive capabilities to do hands-on learning and gain knowledge on automotive skill […]

Embedded Basics Miscellaneous Tech

Software Development Kit In Microcontrollers

Overview So hello guys, welcome to series of Microcontroller tutorials. As Microcontrollers are big thing happening across the globe, but to learn about microcontrollers becomes quite challenging as most of the content on web is theoretical based and quite unorganized. Or the content is only roaming around 2-3 microcontrollers (Arduino, ESP or PIC), even though there are number […]

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