Interfacing with the ElecronicsV2 Development Board
In previous blog we covered a brief overview of how the OLED display works in microscopic level and also understood various types of OLED displays available in the market . In this blog we’ll be discussing how to configure the SSD1306 display with the microcontroller and we’ll be making the embedded driver as well.128×64 display […]
Display Technolgy mainly consists of two things: Display Devices and Display Driver Integrated Chips(DDIC). Display Devices: are OLED, LCD, LED, CRT, Vacuum Florescent, etc modules. To know in-depth about the different types of display devices refer to this. Display Driver Integrated Chips(DDIC): are semiconductor IC\’s that provide an interface between the control Unit(MPU and MCU) […]
In many applications, we want to monitor AC electrical parameters like Solar chargers, motor control, Battery Charging stations, or Smart energy meters. Measurement of AC current and voltage, by the means of the electronics, is a quite tricky part, unlike traditional electromechanical systems. Below is a basic block diagram to know about it. AC voltage […]